Time management techniques for remote employee
Working from home offers a fantastic opportunity to achieve a level of autonomy and control over your work that you may not be able to get in the office. You can wake up at 7 AM or 8 AM, take care of the kids until noon, and then spend time with them before working on your laptop from 1 PM-8 PM.
However, there are many distractions when you work remotely, including TV shows, Netflix binges, YouTube videos, and social media - it's easy to get distracted! However, to be productive and complete tasks on time, you need to find means of effectively managing your time.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways that you can manage your time to stay productive while at home or abroad.
To combat this problem, software like Clock In Easy should do the trick. It allows you to track your time effectively and plan tasks in advance. You can set up reminders for yourself so that you don't forget about an upcoming task - this will help reduce the chances of procrastination occurring.
Additionally, we shall be looking at tips to work from home and strategies that will help increase productivity while working from home.
Effective Time Management Techniques for Remote Workers
- Start With a To-Do List.
Time management at home or abroad is all about developing a system to keep your work organized. A to-do list should be created and updated regularly so that when you're working, it's easy for you to see what needs completion before downtime can take hold.
Start by listing the tasks that are due soonest and then list them in chronological order. The to-do list should also be reviewed regularly so you can see what needs more attention or if there's something that might need removal from it completely.
Lastly, be sure to schedule downtime into your daily routine and save it for later in the day. Keep in mind that there are numerous distractions to overcome, but you can always use them as time fillers if they arise. Utilizing the inevitable downtime and managing it effectively is crucial for remote workers who work from home or abroad.
- Create a Workspace In Your Home.
To maximize your time and make it easier to focus, you should create a dedicated workspace. This can be as simple as separating the room with an area rug or using dividers between desks. How to manage time better at home calls for setting up a space that is both comfortable and conducive to work.
The following tips should help you do just that:
- Designate an area for your workspace so it's clear when someone needs time alone or with others.
- Limit distractions by turning off notifications, sound alerts and removing gadgets from within sight.
- Keep the room clutter-free; clean surfaces will put you more at ease than cluttered ones would.
- If possible, add plants that provide natural light to calm and reduce anxiety levels while improving moods.
By creating this designated space for working, there's less chance of distractions from other activities happening at home.
- Get Dressed Like You're Going To Work.
While working from home, it's easy to slip into pajamas and get comfortable. That's until you realize that the whole time, you've been sitting around in your PJs when there should be no difference between being at work or being home.
Choose clothes that are appropriate for meeting with clients while still feeling like yourself – grab an outfit from last week's laundry pile, if nothing else. Doing this will help to make you feel more confident and professional.
In addition, this will also set an excellent example for your family members who may be watching TV or hovering around while working at home.
- Stop Multitasking.
Multitasking is a habit that can be hard to break, and while it may seem like you're getting more done, the research says otherwise. One study found that even for people who've been practicing multitasking skills for years, those same abilities are likely declining with age as well (yes, we get slower too).
Rather than trying to do a bunch of things simultaneously, time management techniques require you to think about your priorities and make sure that they are completed first before moving on to other tasks or obligations.
To further remedy this problem and increase your productivity when working from home:
- Only focus on one task at a time.
- Create an effective organization system with files or folders where all current projects are neatly filed away before moving onto the next project.
- Use timers to track how long each activity takes so you know when it's time to switch gears.
- Use Chrome Incognito Mode to prevent distractions and allow for uninterrupted work.
- Know your workflow to best time new projects.
- Use the Pomodoro Technique to divide large tasks into smaller chunks with a set amount of time dedicated to each. Use this technique when you notice yourself getting distracted by too many small tasks or interruptions.
- Schedule regular breaks throughout the day.
If urgent matters arise between these high-priority items, consider delegating those less-important assignments not to let anything fall below standard.
- Manage Your Work From Home Guilt.
When it comes to the question of how to manage working from home, guilt can be a familiar feeling. However, it's important to remember that since you are not in the office with co-workers and managers seeing your face all day long, they may even assume that you're slacking off without noticing the time.
To help manage the guilt you may feel, set time for a weekly check-in meeting with your boss. Also, try to balance your day by working on tasks that don't require as much concentration, such as sending emails or answering calls.
Additionally, be mindful of not overworking yourself and take breaks from the computer periodically to reduce eye strain.
Outsource other tasks that don't require you to be in front of the screen or inputting data into an app all day long, so there's less pressure on your work schedule. This can include things like bookkeeping, searching for jobs online, etc.
- Take Scheduled Breaks.
If your work doesn't require much concentration, then take scheduled breaks to give yourself time to get up and stretch or go for a walk.
One of the benefits of working from home is that you have more flexibility with how you want to manage your free time - but it's easy for those hours to add up. Schedule specific blocks throughout the day where you are not working so they don't become an afterthought.
It's also important not to overwork yourself or push past physical limits when feeling under pressure. You may be tempted in these moments to continue pushing through until everything on your plate gets completed – but this can backfire by causing stress-related illness such as high blood pressure, which will make things worse in the long term.
If you feel the need to, it's essential to take time out of your day for mental health and routine (e.g., exercise) to help prevent these problems down the road. Ensure any work tasks are broken up with other activities or interests throughout the day, too - this will help avoid feelings of burnout that come about when working on one thing consistently.
- Reduce Distractions As Much As You Can.
There are numerous time management techniques and tips to work from home to limit the number of distractions while working away from the office. This will enable you to be more productive and able to focus on essential tasks.
Some of the tips you can implement include:
- Setting up a workspace that enables you to focus on the task at hand.
- Check email less often, and don't check social media sites every time they alert you of an update.
- Schedule blocks of time when you can be completely focused on your tasks.
- Take breaks from working to give yourself some mental relief. For example, take a walk or have lunch with friends.
- Good remote workers value their wellbeing, too - this includes getting enough sleep and taking care of both physical and mental health. This will help limit you from being distracted once you've sat down for work.
- Make it easier for others to contact you if an emergency or urgent matter needs your attention. However, ensure that they call you only if it's urgent.
- Setting boundaries during business hours (i.e., when not working) through social media posts, texts, etc.
- Saying no to specific non-urgent requests so you can focus on the essential tasks.
- Determine When You're Most Productive.
Know your habits and determine when you're most productive during the day. The time of the day is mainly dependent on the work schedule. It's vital to know when you're fully present because we all have different schedules for this; some are morning people while others work better in the evening hours.
For example, someone who starts their morning at six o'clock would be more productive in the mornings than they are in later hours. Knowing this will eliminate an unnecessary struggle. Some of the things you can do to help you identify your most productive time of the day are:
- Track your hours and see when you're most effective.
- Keep a journal about how well you can focus during specific times of the day.
- Ask your co-workers what time they feel you're the most productive.
- Take a time management course.
- Ask your boss what times they feel you're the most productive and adjust accordingly.
By figuring out when you're most productive, it's easier to plan for it instead of trying to find ways to fit it into the rest of your day.
- Assess Whether Every Meeting Is A Necessity.
As far as time management strategies for work go, assessing whether every meeting is necessary can help you save time. All too often, meetings are scheduled without any concern for the time they take up people's days, which wreaks havoc on productivity levels.
Meetings are necessary for employees to communicate with one another, but they can also cause problems when not scheduled efficiently. To find ways to fit it into the rest of your day, try scheduling meetings before or after work hours so that you don't waste time on less critical discussions during these more crucial times.
This allows people who might otherwise forget about an upcoming event due to lack of time to be reminded and take appropriate actions. Efficient meetings can increase the productivity of your company, with employees feeling less stressed while being more productive as a result.
By optimizing how you work in conjunction with others, you will see a noticeable difference for yourself and those around you. This allows people who might otherwise forget about an upcoming event due to lack of time to be reminded and take appropriate actions.
- Lead With Compassion.
Employee time management requires a more personalized approach, as each employee is different and requires their time management strategies. One such strategy for time management is to lead with compassion.
It's important not to come off as a dictator, but rather someone who cares about their employees and what they need to do better at work. This results in an environment that fosters more creativity and innovation, which will ultimately help the company thrive long-term.
Additionally, this technique can be beneficial for leaders who are away from the office because it gives them a chance to focus on other tasks, as opposed to dealing with their employees' needs.
Lastly, it is generally a good idea to get employees in the habit of time management from day one. It's best if new hires are trained on how they should work and when they should, which will make their transition into remote working smoother and less overwhelming at first glance.
Ultimately, like with any other job, there are several advantages & disadvantages of remote working- including boredom, fatigue, and constant distractions. However, with the right strategy, you can still be as productive as you were in the office.
Working time management is an individual experience, and what works for one person won't work for another. Time management doesn't need to be difficult, but it does require that we keep in mind what works best for individual situations.
What's important is that you find something that works well with your situation and gives you a sense of control over how much time you spend working each day. This will help eliminate distractions and the feeling of being overwhelmed.